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Made to Measure Pocket Sprung Mattress Versus a Memory Foam Option.

Which mattress do we choose when opting for a bespoke mattress.  Do we opt for a pocket sprung mattress with pocket springs or do we go with the latest memory foam mattress trend?

Here are some points to help you, Custom Pocket Sprung mattresses are more difficult make to the exact size. The  cutting of   the spring unit can be time consuming and we will not get the exact size you need, normally the sprung  mattress will be 3 inches  away due to the coil dispersion in the spring unit. if both your length and width are out by 3 inches this may not be ideal.

A memory foam or foam mattress even the bespoke latex mattresses can be cut down to the nearly few millimetres and therefore will be a snug fit for the area you are trying to fit out.

The costs of the mattresses also differ, you could pay unto 40% more for a pocket sprung mattress. The costs can be un feasible of the mattresses are for bunk beds. We are suppliers of custom cut bunk bed mattresses in our pure memory mattress range, we know that F are looking to budget and need a great price on their kids beds

When it comes to making mattress for motorhomes and caravans they may need a corner cutting off, this procedure is a lot easier with a memory foam mattress, latex or Foam type mattress. We can cut to size.

Carriage and distributions costs for made to measure Pocket sprung mattresses can be more if the mattress cannot be roll packed. For example shipping an open mattress can cost £100 for the delivery, But a foam mattress would cost a fraction of that delivery cost. Taking an open sprung mattress into an attic room can be difficult, therefore the pure memory foam mattress is a better option.